+30 28210 78801        info@agrocreta.gr

Quality plays central role to our work

We take quality very seriously


Our company has developed strict quality guidelines to ensure that the products that come to your table are safe and at the highest level of sensory attributes, such as taste and aroma.

We are a family business and feel this is our duty. If our kids can consume our products then they are safe to be consumed by you. This is why we are selling only 100% natural, safe, quality certified and awarded products and allow no additives or GMO-related substances in our products.

Perfect fruit, half the job done!

Perfect fruit, half the job done!

Everything starts from the right raw material . We invest time and money to educate our farmers and gain access to the best fruit available.

Picking, not harvesting!

Picking, not harvesting!

We are really ‘picky’ when it comes to the selection of our fruit. We hand pick from the tree to protect the fruit from damage and safely prepare it for transport.

Time is of the essence!

Time is of the essence!

It is very important that the whole process is carefully timed and takes place at as little time as possible, in order to maintain product freshness.

Handling with care!

Handling with care!

It is vital to ensure that the optimum conditions are in place during the handling, production, packing or storage phases of the process. We enforce strict guidelines as far as each phase is concerned.

Check, check again!

Check, check again!

Quality monitoring is not a matter of simply applying procedures. It is part of our culture. We start from the selection of the right raw material and continue to the control of goods received, storage, processing and packing of finished products.

Transporting with care!

Transporting with care!

Right conditions of transportation play a vital role in the chain of quality assurance. Therefore we ensure that our partner transporters comply with the strictest operational standards possible, in order to maintain product freshness.